Season 9

Clay Slaton


Clay Slaton is a leader coach with a passion for helping individuals succeed in both their personal and professional lives. Clay's journey began many years ago when he recognized the profound impact of personal development on professional engagement within his own team. Fueled by a desire to empower others, he embarked on a coaching journey, sharing insights with fellow business leaders through workshops, forums, and mentorship. The vision for LIFEguide took shape in the process, driven by Clay's commitment to facilitating personal and professional growth. In 2017, after successfully exiting a company he founded, Clay directed his focus towards LIFEguide. With intentional coaching for CEOs in both business and life, Clay drew upon his extensive experience as a career CEO, believing in the transformative power of wisdom and experience to elevate leadership and businesses. As a coach, Clay's mission is to guide CEOs to fully engage in life.

Binge Watch All Their Consults

Every day on the The Blox is packed with hours of game-changing one-on-one consultations between each judge and contestants in their pod. Rather than lock this education behind some paywall, we're bringing to you 100% free. Enjoy!

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