Season 8

Justin Prestidge

Owner, Custom Trailer Pros - Kansas City, MO

Justin created Custom Trailer Pros in 2012 with the specific goal of serving people who are wanting to get into the mobile food industry. At that time, there were very few who were able to effectively help those in this emerging market, and there was no one who was solely dedicated to it. From day one, Justin has been passionate about partnering with his customers – not just selling them a product – and he has created a team of people who all carry this same passion.

Binge Watch All Their Consults

Every day on the The Blox is packed with hours of game-changing one-on-one consultations between each judge and contestants in their pod. Rather than lock this education behind some paywall, we're bringing to you 100% free. Enjoy!

Startup Niching by Justin Prestidge
Small Business Valuation by Justin Prestidge
Small Business Google by Justin Prestidge
Generate Leads For Small Business by Justin Prestidge

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